
Choose a Right Niche for Your Blog and Brand ..

This is the most important part, and many newbies are stuck at this point. Did you know? That 99% of bloggers ,You tuber ,affiliate marketer ,Digital Entrepreneur quit in starting six months because they choose the niche which they don’t passionate about. Niche is like a topic but not a simple topic because they have several topics in it. Choosing a niche is the fastest way to lose a game in the beginning. 

Are you still confused ?

Let take an example about the niches – 

Smart Passive Income : Patt Flynn started this blog named Smart Passive Income, where he shares strategies to grow your online business. Today Smart Passive Income is one of the most successful blogs which are making millions of dollars every day.

ShoutMeLoud : You all know ShoutMeLoud is one of the most significant websites which teaches about WordPress, SEO, Blogging, and Much more stuff related to blogging Dont believe it? See this – This is the earning report of ShoutMeLoud, and you can see that they make $400+ at the beginning of there blog. This shows that choosing a profitable and interest-based niche helps your blog to scale.

ShoutMeLoud : Gaurav Chaudhary, known professionally as Technical Guruji, is an Indian YouTube personality based in UAE. Chaudhary is notable for producing YouTube videos concerning technology in Hindi,Passion about technology.

Sandeep Maheshwari : Passion About Motivation and Help People . 

Vivek Bindra: Find Niche about grow Business or start up .There are many other blogs,you tuber,Affiliate marketer that I can show, but I think you got an exact idea of how niche is so essential for making a profitable blog or your Brand Creation . Currently, there are many profitable niches in which you can start your blog, but I don’t suggest you go with these niches because you don’t have an interest in that, and If you start a blog or anything on that niche, so will be bored and quit blogging for sure. So, How you can find the perfect niche that you won’t regret later Wait, You have to focus on these two factors to find out the profitable niche for your,affiliate marketing and much more .


See that you can make money from that? They have enough affiliate programs or not? Is that niche is having a good volume of keywords or not?


Are You Interested in working on that niche ?  Can you share the article of that Niche ?  Can You Solve other problems with your writing on that Niche ?  Are you ready to sacrifice for your Niche ? 
I think now you can find the perfect Niche after seeing the above part , and if you cant figure out , then you can do this find an ideal niche . 

Take Paper & Pen

Write down your interest or which you are passionate about (Add three or more) on the list

Also, find an affiliate of that niche 

You are good to go.

How to Find Your NIche ( Short Form) : 

You do thing that you are coming naturally to you. You dont need to care about your Niche Your niche Will come to you You dont search your niche Do what comes to naturally to you and it profitable . Keep Expanding and more something starts coming Naturally to you and it is profitable then stick to it.

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